Monday, December 12, 2005

prophets foretold him

"absolute" would be ultimate reality; God, life-force or "One", nirvana, etc. If one of them is true, meaning to our lives can only be found through whichever one it is.

i'd discount the life-force or "One" option, because usually this is another word for nature which a person can become "one" with or else he or she will reincarnate... but nature is not absolute; it has a beginning (in the big bang) and thus its existence depended upon something else.

in terms of nirvana, i can't say i know lots about it but when Buddha reached this state he was still persuaded by other people to change things in his philosophy for the better (such as his father persuading him to make an age restriction before a son can leave his household to pursue enlightenment), yet Buddha had perfect knowledge in this state and shouldn't have had to be pursuaded in anything. Futhermore, he recalled an infinite number of past lives of his, yet this was his final life because he had reached nirvana. 1) infinity cannot end, because infinity is forever in the past and forever in the future. 2) there cannot be an infinite regress of events (such as lives) because one would never reach a "present" moment. 3) space & time began with the big bang billions of years ago, out of nothing, therefore there is no infinite amount of lives to be lived.

if there's a God...which one? the God of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Mormonism? I guess this is where the not "copping out" part comes in. What's more important in life than finding truth and meaning? Why wouldn't people search and search for this, rather than let themselves fall into a sleepwalk of daily meaningless motions? Get out of the cave people.

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