Tuesday, November 22, 2005

i havent had a drink this mornin' but i'm lit up like a christmas tree

3 out of 4 of my papers are done! yes

my brain is tired from writing

one more paper to go, but its not a research paper

so i shouldn't really have to spend too much time on it

then its kind of smooth sailing till finals

which are pretty simple

that psycho's gonna pull some crap

he's got monkey's juggling knives in his head

doesn't double spacing look really neat compared to
single spacing? after writing papers i think double-spacing
makes me look more sophisticated a writer than people
who don't double space because they get marks off

but then again books are single spaced and they can be

written by really smart people with good things to say

who don't lose marks.

u know i think i'll probably fail all my papers

becauese i probably either

a) didn't even have a thesis

b) was inconclusive

c) plagerized

d) had major grammatical errors that i couldn't find because if you accidentally

blink while you're proof reading you'll miss the only major error in the

paper which will make the teacher think you're a really stupid person who should

be in ESL

i ain't tryin to dog the old man in red
the white beard or the flying sled
truth be known i always did enjoy
the thought of santa bringin all the toys
but now rudolph, frosty and all the gang
christmas, it wouldn't have been the same
our minds' been mis-aligned see
this season was once defined as a birthday
for the mighty king
Hark, the herald angels sing
about peace
and mercy all the while
on this day we were reconciled


Todd Bee said...

i love hwo u threw in the...that psycho's gonna pull some crap...line, just cuz it was on yesterday...so mr.sentencestructureandgrammar how did you like my ... instead of quotation makrs...i bet you eerked in your chair muahaha

Lindsey and Mike said...

I love that papers and impending finals seem to have driven you closer to the edge...welcome:)

tracypants said...

u are interesante...