Thursday, September 01, 2005

Oh, the art of innuendo.

Make it a goal that before you die you will go to Valencia, California, pay admission into Six Flags, and hop on the roller coaster called Goliath. All other coasters, in comparison to Goliath, provide the thrill of reading an Instruction Manual which reveals the inner workings of MS DOS. Now I know that some of you (todd most of all), would love to revel in the knowledge of how MS DOS makes compatability with Windows and the computer hardware possible, but trust me Todd, Goliath is even more gripping than even that.

So school starts this saturday...will be Orientation day and then becomes Orientation week. I don't know how much of that I have to go to, and I plan on not going to as much as possible. Maybe Lindsey can fill me in on the "manditoryness" of it all. Then, thursday it all starts up, and homework begins. I hate homework. Work is okay because once you're done the day, you're actually done the day. But at school, once you're done the day, you bring more "day" home. So, I'm Game Over. Not in the same sense as G-rath and Todd though, because what I have to do I don't really want to do.


tracypants said...


cause they're married.

tracypants said...

i don't see the innuendo.

Todd Bee said...

werd jon innuendo man has let me down for the first time..and btw NOTHING is more gripping thanms dos with an amber screen playing lotus..except maybe the coaster at the pne ;)

jon mmMMmm said...

haha im amazing

Lindsey and Mike said...

I'm back in the real world now and I can let you know all about T-dub. I'll be your T-dub guru, if you will.